welcome to the latest Bush Hill Park (new John Jackson Library) Blog.
Lot's of new photos hot off the press!!
Next Bush Hill Park Meetings:If you have ideas and are interested in getting involved with your new exciting local library the next meeting is at the Lincoln Arms on Tuesday 24th November in the Lincoln Arms.Starting at 6.30pm.It is being run by Team Leader Rupert Colley rupert.colley@enfield.gov.uk or phone 0208 379 8340 for more details.
Photos just in! All taken early November 2009
Library side view
Library front main entrance
Main entrance
Main entrance (interior)
Main library (interior)
Main Library (interior)
If you have any ideas or would like to volunteer when the library opens in Januaury 2010,
either scroll down for more information or e-mail Project leader Pam Tuttiett at pam.tuttiett@enfield.gov.uk
we look forward to hearing from you!
either scroll down for more information or e-mail Project leader Pam Tuttiett at pam.tuttiett@enfield.gov.uk
we look forward to hearing from you!