Monday, 11 May 2009

Bush Hill Park Library photos May 2009. Construction well under way!

Work commences in February 2009

The foundations are almost there...

and work inside starts

MAY's already starting to take shape

The Superstructure is up

and the hard work continues inside.

For more photos on the progress of the new Library...

Watch this space! We hope to add new photos every month!

Next Meetings

If you have ideas and are interested in getting involved with your new exciting local library the next meetings are as follows:

Adult Board: Tuesday 19th May in the Lincoln Arms.Starting at 6.30pm.It is being run by Team Leader Rupert Colley orphone 0208 379 8340 for more details.

Youth Board: to be confirmed. Watch this space.Contact Matthew Imrie at or phone 0208 379 2610 for more details.

Children’s Board: to be confirmed. Watch this space.Contatct Tim Johnstone at or phone 0208 379 2644 for more details.

Mobile Library

A mobile library service is operating while the library is closed:

Thursday 2.30pm - 3.30pm (Local class visits only)

Thursday 3.30pm - 4.30pm (General public)

Saturday – 12 noon Main Avenue (near the library).

Remember watch this space for more library photos!

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Latest news update about Bush Hill Park Library May 09

Hello all,
here’s the latest update from the Bush Hill Park Blog.

We will be uploading more photos very shortly.

Next Meetings
If you have ideas and are interested in getting involved with your new exciting local library the next meetings are as follows:

Adult Board: Tuesday 19th May in the
Lincoln Arms.
Starting at 6.30pm.
It is being run by Team Leader Rupert Colley or
phone 0208 379 8340 for more details.

Youth Board: to be confirmed. Watch this space.
Contact Matthew Imrie at or phone 0208 379 2610 for more details.

Children’s Board: to be confirmed. Watch this space.
Contatct Tim Johnstone at or phone 0208 379 2644 for more details.

Mobile Library
A mobile library service is operating while the library is closed:
Thursday 2.30pm - 3.30pm (Local class visits only)
Thursday 3.30pm - 4.30pm (General public)
Saturday – 12 noon Main Avenue (near the library).

Library update
The building contractors have been on site now for 2 months and work is progressing well. We’re still on target to reopen in November. Some of the internal walls and the chimneys have been removed from the existing building and the opening between the old and the new has been made. The majority of the bricks removed will be reused. The new extension is taking shape with the foundations for the new extension laid out and the superstructure put in place during the Easter holidays making it all that much more ‘real’!

The gaps between the hoarding panels provide excellent viewing positions so do have a look at the building taking shape. There are also two noticeboards on the hoardings showing the Architect’s impression of the new library as well information on what will be available when it reopens plus the addresses and opening times of the nearest library & the mobile library.

In mid-March the Enfield Archaeological Society visited the site to see if there were any artefacts in the area that had been uncovered as the library is on the edge of a Roman settlement. Unfortunately no treasures were found!

The Advisory Boards are continuing to meet during the library closure to discuss the sort of library service the local community want to see delivered from the new facility.

New Library name

The Council have decided to rename the library when it reopens as ‘The John Jackson Library, Bush Hill Park’ in memory of the Bush Hill Park Councillor who died last autumn.

We look forward to hearing from you all.