Hello all,
Welcome to our August update.
We have more photos (late July 09) from the site of our new Bush Hill Park Library below. As you can see the project is moving along nicely. Before scrolling down to the photos please note all the latest news items and the date of our next Adult board meeting. Hope to see you there!
Latest news
Music room:
On August 7th two members of the local community met with the Project team to discuss the equipment for the new music facility. It was agreed that there will be essential Dj-ing, recording, spit & lyric resources for young people when the library first opens with more software being purchased once the needs of the young people using the facility have been identified after the library opens
IT tuition:As well as having the ‘My Guide’ self-tuition programme we need your ideas for special IT tuition classes aimed at the over 50s.
We hope to provide these classes with the help of volunteers starting in January 2010. If you have any suggestions or would like to volunteer please e-mail
pam.tuttiett@enfield.gov.uk or any of the team or attend the next Adult board meeting on the 22nd of September (more information below).
Volunteering at the new Bush Hill Park Library:When the new Bush Hill Park Library opens it will offer far more activities to the Bush Hill Park community than before. However we need your help. We are looking for volunteers to help with the following activities:
Help with Library events for all ages
Assistance in the Homework Centre
I.T / Online support
Intergenerational project (Memories of Bush Hill Park for all ages)
BHP Library garden design or maintenance
If you are interested, would like the work experience to add to your CV please contact Pam Tuttiett,
pam.tuttiet@enfield.gov.ukEnfield Town Show:Enfield Library Service will be attending the Enfield Town Show on Sunday 6th September. On the mobile library we will have questionnaires asking for your suggestions for IT taster sessions at BHP and also general information on the new library. Come and find us for more information or to let us know your suggestions or ideas.
Next Meetings:
If you have ideas and are interested in getting involved with your new exciting local library the next meeting is:
Adult Board: Tuesday 22
nd September in the
Lincoln Arms.
Starting at 6.30pm.
It is being run by Team Leader Rupert
Colley rupert.colley@enfield.gov.uk or phone 0208 379 8340 for more details
New photos taken late July 09:Side view
The new roof
Wide angle view